
Monday, February 6, 2012

An Up-Close Look at the Vagueness of Certain Things

       You know what's really fascinating to me is how little we actually know about things related to certain stuff. Or it could be that we really know a lot about those things. In either case, I think it's safe to say that we could always learn more. Well, that's precisely why I decided to sit down and write this particular thing. It's going to require a certain amount of effort on my part, and will take up a number of units of my time, so I certainly hope you have an opinion about it.

       See, this is a perfect example of what I am talking about. There is something about it that is just really, really hard to define. Maybe it has to do with the fact that at the moment I am a certain degree of drunk.

      Man, I don't even know what to say about this one. There are just so many thoughts going through my head. My reaction when I saw this was that I was pretty much dumbstruck. I just sort of looked at it and was all like 


It would have been better if he had just said "chillin."

This one makes me feel a whole melange of emotions.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a stance on this.

       This one raises a lot of questions for me. I am wondering whether they are good surprises or bad, whether or not I will know about them beforehand, whether they may actually be things about me that the road will find surprising, and whether I should just say screw it and choose an alternate route. I don't suppose there's a book out there that could help me decide.

Well, I'll be damned.

       This is one of those things that really inspire you to just go for it.

Didn't read this particular one, but I bet it was really something.  

      There are two kinds of people in this world: one kind, and then another. But no matter what kind you are, you can find something here.


  1. I would subscribe to Vague magazine if it came with a swimsuit issue.

  2. Hahaha Vague Magazine. I always love the random pictures.

    On another note, I wish I was bold enough to post those kinds of comments on my friends' Facebook status, but I'm a wimp that chooses to laugh silently instead. Decisions decisions...

  3. humm.... I actually am that friend, unfortunately, I followed through on my threats of un-friending people for being idiots and I'm now left with a facebook full of sensible people who post up intelligent things and fuel a decent conversation!

  4. Great pictures and nice post!

  5. Something seems somewhat ambiguous here.

  6. I'm feeling ambivalent about this here post. Contributing in this thread.

  7. haha lol XD great post
    MMB is back by the way:

  8. Man, I feel like everyone on my friend list is about to defriend me now.

  9. That post was really something.
    Or not.
    I think.

  10. Hooray for you posting again!

    It was quit the road surprise!

  11. I wanna shop at Stuff and Things. I bet there's some cool shit there!

  12. Thanks for my laugh of the day! Hope you post again soon!

  13. Birds: They're fucking everywhere.
    Oh, I do so appreciate your posts.

    (I used to read those Sweet Valley High books! Don't remember that one, though.)
    Don't hate.

    1. Sybil, I can't go to your blog. Why is this. Give me the url if you see this.

  14. I think that's the same issue of "Vague" that I use for bathroom reading material. It's better than nothing, right?

  15. Great post, Elliot. I always thought there were three types of people - those who can count and those who can't.

    Look, I go through my life with almost perpetual brain fog 50% of the time, continual sense of vague dissatifaction the other 60%, and for the remaining 10%, I wonder what I just missed. Except for when I sleep.

  16. There are things which are inherently clouded, and there are thing s that are inherently full of clarity but there are people who do understand the things in the grey area (clouded ones) while some people who are too goof to understand the crystal clear things.
    God gifted qualities must be used wisely.
    Let's not be mislead by the Satan.


  17. dude was that you with your science project ions ago in the 1st photo oh drunk one? where's the dislike button on failbook?

  18. This post is very like the comment you left on my blog today which left me wondering if you had actually READ the post. Or simply skimmed and scribbled. I was wounded... :P

    Actually, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. A comment is a comment. Comments are blog currency and I got paid. I appreciate the effort, Elliot. I really do. Especially in your somewhat drunken condition. :)

    I like this post of yours quite a lot as I am queen of saying nothing at all with a lot of words. I am doing that now. Or maybe I'm not. You decide.

    I was kinda bummed you did not post a new poem. I do so enjoy your poetry. :)

  19. In one post, you've managed to reveal all of the things I ponder over on a daily basis.

    And more often than not, I end up with the same answer:

    Something Italian.

  20. Hello! I'm a new blogger/writer and I just added myself to your followers for support! Maybe you could come follow me too?
    Thanks so much!

  21. Somewhere I have a picture like that school kid one, but it's a project about 'oral health'... so you can guess the direction it took. Wish I could find it to share, I think you might appreciate it.

    Used to follow a blog that was funny, but then the girl it belonged to started to write stories - her spelling/ grammar skills were epic (insert sarcasm), I actually had to stop following because it was just getting too hard to not 'correct' her.

    1. ps It's been way longer then you said it would take and still no shower ring ??

    2. That idea turned out to be logistically infeasible. It turned out a whole lot of people wanted a piece of my shit (I should have known) and I had neither the time nor the inclination to send them to all of my legion fandom. Just know that the sentiment is there.

  22. Holy crap! That kid is right! Birds are everywhere! Are our top scientists looking into this?!

    And way to go Ben! Krysten is a doofus!

    And what was that magazine cover abou- ah never mind...

  23. Fabulous. The whole thing.


    You're a silly person, aren't you? :-)


  24. I like your blog, there is a lot of interesting posts!


  25. I love your blog, this post is really interesting!
    Follow u now, will u follow me? :)
    If u can, visit:

  26. "Road surprises?" Oh dear.... That's a terrifying sign

  27. Krystien was really stupid.ben rocked there.
    Osama bin laden .......lollzzz.

  28. Took me a little while with the science project. Thought it was a normal pic're right, its all in the details!

  29. Your blog is super funny and had me in hysterics. Looking forward to following it.
    Have a great day.

  30. This post gave me some sort of reaction, something I can't really put my finger on. Maybe if I just think it over something will pop into my head. Maybe.

  31. The Doom story actually made some of the vanity-published Kindle stuff look bad.

  32. The is the best. Because we can all think of this friend or that whom we'd like to publicly unfriend due to their emotionally angsty under-revealing posts.
